Monday, March 23, 2015


I only have two dreams.

Yeah, I have life missions and prayerful goals and hopes for the future, but only two dreams. Like, these probably won't ever happen but I really want them to, and I sometimes fantasize about them, and they aren't huge serious decisions or anything. They're dreams. Wishes my heart makes, you know?

Dream #1: Go to the Olympics

I love the Olympics. LOVE THEM. SO MUCH. I've given up on going to the Olympics as an Olympian (let's face it. I'm 16. kinda way too late to start training.), but one day I want to go as a spectator and supporter. I want to see the incredible beauty and talent and strength in person, and support my countrymen on sports' biggest stage. It's a dream of mine. :)

Dream #2: Compete on the Amazing Race

Y'all know about the Amazing Race, right? No?! Well, allow me to explain. The Amazing Race is a reality TV show (stay with me) in which teams of two race around the world completing all kinds of challenges and cultural activities. In each leg, the first team to reach the Pit Stop gets a reward and the last team is eliminated. The winner of the final leg receives one million dollars. Doesn't it sound great? :)

I've been watching for 7 years now, and I love seeing all the different places they go and challenges they do. I also love picking teams to root for and imagining which detours I would've chosen, etc. (Last season, Bethany Hamilton went on with her husband! They were my favorite team that year.) If you want to watch, it airs on CBS on Fridays at 8 pm. One day, I want to go on the Amazing Race with my dad. I want to travel across the globe doing crazy challenges and seeing incredible things. It's a dream of mine. :)

So what are your dreams? :)

P.S. This season on The Amazing Race, there's a team of two Olympians who met in Sochi last year! It's like my two dreams combined!! They seem like really neat people. (Their names are Aly and Steve, in case you tune in.)

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