Sunday, May 1, 2016

Rainy Day Wonder

I'm sitting on my bedroom floor next to an open window. Rain is coming down in buckets, and thunder is rumbling. Sitting here, feeling this beautiful, rainy evening, I'm thinking about wonder.

There is wonder in tiny droplets of water diving from the clouds to wash the earth. There is wonder in rolling thunder, the sound produced by electricity ripping across the sky. There is wonder in street lamps glittering through raindrops on the window pane. There is wonder in sitting here, so close to the storm outside, completely safe and dry. 
There is wonder in the thought of rain and thunder and wind suddenly ceasing at the word of their Master. I think we all talk so much about Jesus calming the figurative storms in our lives that we forget He calmed a literal storm in an actual sea. Waves soaring, rain pouring, thunder roaring. Silenced at the command of the One who holds them in existence. 

There is wonder in running home at full speed with your dad and your sister and your dog because the storm appeared out of nowhere while you were on an evening walk. We were hopping over sticks and leaves, squinting in the heavy rain, and laughing because it was a wonderful moment. 
There is wonder in the knowledge that you are surrounded by a family who loves you. Love is full of wonder and beauty and unexpected grace. 
There is wonder in the thought that the One causing the storms to descend and to be still is the One watching over me, caring for me, providing for my every need, and comforting me in every affliction.  The One who loves me. The love of God is wonderful and incomprehensible (even for a thoughtful introvert like myself, who could sit at her window and listen to the storm and think for days). I don't deserve it- I know that much. I want to grow in it- I know that, too. I want to be like Jesus and look like His love. 
Jesus loves me- that's the greatest wonder of all. 
But His rain is pretty wonderful, too. 

the rainy day wonder yesterday 

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